Pho is actually really simple to make, but I wanted to breakdown what I've learned from my mom, and many iterations of trying to replicate her version. I wouldn't say this recipe is traditional or authentic. I'd just say it's good. Having eaten pho a dozen times and a dozen different ways, all over Vietnam, I can only say there are good and bad preparations of this dish, but no official one that rules them all.
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I'll admit, growing up in the culinary industry, I always saw Martin Yan as sort of a joke; a relic of early 90's cooking shows that spawned a series of pseudo-chef personalities that we see today. But I didn't give him nearly enough credit...
Every summer, the kitchen team participates in sending off our interns with a very special gathering and dinner. This year, the theme was grad night. We were asked to do some portable familiar foods, and fancy it up a little. Here's our contribution: