dirty french frieswith table saltYou can’t have a hamburger without fries. I call these dirty fries cause I like to leave the skin on, cut them any which way, fuck them up (a process in which I’ll explain in a bit), and fry them in oil t…

dirty french fries
with table salt

You can’t have a hamburger without fries. I call these dirty fries cause I like to leave the skin on, cut them any which way, fuck them up (a process in which I’ll explain in a bit), and fry them in oil that had already fried a bunch of other shit like bacon, pork, and other goodies.

The best fries are made from kennebec potatoes, but you can also get a decent fry out of russet. Cut it, soak it in a light brine with sugar and salt, fry it at 325 F for 2 minutes, and then drain it. At this point, toss them in a bowl to release some of the starches and let them coat the fries. We used to make breakfast potatoes at work using this method; my words of wisdom to my breakfast cook at the time was, ‘fuck them up’, and that pretty much explains the process. So, just fuck them up and don’t be too concerned about how they look. The more cracks and broken bits, the lighter and crispier the fry will be. After you’ve done this, crank the heat up so that the oil reaches 375 F and then fry it again until crispy. Toss them right away in salt.

Oh, and you gotta use table salt. The iodized crap with the girl holding the umbrella. This is the only time I would ever use the stuff, but it’s really the only choice when it comes to fries. Fancy sea salt just doesn’t stick. Kosher salt seems to disappear on your palate. Iodized salt stands out and let’s you know it’s there.
