fred steakmystery meat
Every time I visit the Schaub’s butchery in Palo Alto, I pace the floor contemplating whether I should buy the mysteriously dark meat sitting behind the glass that all the locals seem to be clamoring for. For whatever re…

fred steak
mystery meat

Every time I visit the Schaub’s butchery in Palo Alto, I pace the floor contemplating whether I should buy the mysteriously dark meat sitting behind the glass that all the locals seem to be clamoring for. For whatever reason, I never go for it. Luckily, our guest pastry chef at the time, Jenna (who is awesome, by the way) offered me some to take home.

As I said before, this shit is intensely black, like, light doesn’t escape its surface, kind of black. I paired it with whipped potatoes and a simple pan sauce. It was good. I think the flavor profile for something like this would be pretty decent, sliced thin, in a sandwich though. Gotta try that some time.

Here is some more info about Fred steak.
